Register for TNCC

Upcoming class dates:

January 16-17

Class will be held in the Lower Level Classroom at William Newton Hospital

Contact Melanie Burnett at 620-222-6254 or email with any questions.

This course, taught by qualified nurses/paramedicine specialists, prepares you with the knowledge, critical thinking skills and training needed to provide high-quality, trauma nursing care. After completing this course, you will be able to properly assess and implement evidence-based interventions to improve outcomes for your patients.

Here’s a glimpse into what you’ll learn:

Note: TNCC is free for WNH employees; $250 for non-employees. This fee is non-refundable. WNH employees - if you are not able to attend a class and do not provide prior notice, you will be charged the class fee of $250.


Please mail cash or check to William Newton Hospital (1300 E Fifth Ave, Winfield, KS 67156) or visit the WNH Business Office to pay in person.