New Year Re-do

Feb 01, 2020

By Rachel Livingston, BSN, RN, William Newton Home Health Director

Can we get a do-over on New Year resolutions? If you’re like me, maybe those resolutions for the New Year didn’t stick. Maybe you started and you got an idea for a more realistic resolution. Whatever the reason, it’s never too late to do something to better yourself.

Here are 6 resolution ideas that are especially good for seniors any time of the year.

  1. Go over (or start) your legal documents.** Do you have a living will or advanced directives? If the answer is no, resolve to meet with a lawyer to get the process started. If you have these in place already, review them to make sure they still reflect your wishes and that your family knows what they entail.

  2. Challenge yourself. Challenge your brain by doing crossword, Sudoku, or jigsaw puzzles. Improving your mental strength can help improve your memory. Physical challenges such as stretches, workout videos, or classes could help improve your balance, strength, and endurance.

  3. Review your medications. Get a list of medications from your physician to keep in your wallet or purse. Give a copy to your family and/or neighbor to have in case of an emergency. Request an updated list at each visit with your physician in case changes have been made.

  4. De-clutter and get organized. Go through your home one closet or room at a time and take an assessment of what you really need or brings you joy and get rid of what doesn’t make the list. This will help rid you of your day to day clutter, decrease your fall risk, and benefit your children/family by not having a full house to go through at a later time.

  5. Don’t fear technology. Resolve to try one new piece of technology. Things such as video chatting or a social media account can help you keep in touch with long distance family. Something like electronic books give you a library at your fingertips.

  6. Share your stories. You have lived a full life, have seen many things come to fruition, and have experienced changes in the world so share that with your friends and family. Make an audio or video recording of your life, experiences, or special dates. If you’re a writer, keep a journal of these things for future generations to read.

There’s no law that says January 1st is the only day that you can improve yourself! Some self-reflection and changes to improve your life are good anytime of the year.

Rachel Livingston, BSN, RN, is Director of William Newton Home Health. If you have comments or story ideas, call 620.221.2300, ext. 1113, or e-mail.

The "Weekend Check-Up" is a regular health column published in the Cowley Courier Traveler penned by employees and friends of William Newton Hospital.

Posted in Weekend Check-Up Column on Feb 01, 2020