Junebug Jog Rescheduled for Labor Day

Jun 04, 2020

The Junebug Jog, Winfield’s iconic early-summer running tradition, has been postponed. Event hosts Healthways of William Newton Hospital and the Winfield Recreation Commission announced that the 31st annual event will be held on Labor Day, September 7.

“Traditionally the Junebug Jog is held on the second Saturday of June,” said Ruth Bumgarner, William Newton Hospital Healthways Coordinator. “We decided that postponing until later in the summer will be a safer option for our participants.”

“Junebug Jog organizers are committed to keeping Winfield’s running tradition going,” said Troy Moree, Superintendent of the Winfield Recreation Commission. “The event will look different this year, but we are going to keep as much of the “Junebug Jog” feel as possible.”

Recommendations for restricted group gatherings are easing in Kansas, but the Junebug Jog typically draws a crowd of more than 200. Under the Ad Astra guidelines for reopening Kansas, crowds of that size are not recommended until later in June. “We are erring on the side of caution,” said Moree.

Bumgarner and Moree encourage people to watch the William Newton Hospital and Winfield Recreation Commission Facebook pages for details on the rescheduled event as plans progress.

“We are still working out the details of the course, including where our start and finish line will be,” said Bumgarner. The event has traditionally been held on the campus of Southwestern College. With this year’s postponement, coordinators are working to find an alternate location to avoid conflicts with the college’s scheduled events.

In the meantime, they hope people continue to get out and run or walk in a safe manner.

“We are disappointed that this year’s event has been delayed,” said Bumgarner, “but remember that running is not canceled or postponed. Look at this postponement as a few extra months of training.”

The Winfield Recreation Commission is currently offering a virtual 50 Miles in 50 Days Challenge beginning June 15.

Posted in In The News on Jun 04, 2020